The Arousing of Thought

Gurdjieff does not want to write but is forced by circumstance to do so.

Gurdjieff describes the sensation of starting a new work, a new octave:


I have always done everything
as it is done by others.

"Whenever I do anything,
I do a great deal of it."



Gurdjieff begins his writing project by pronouncing an ancient invocation (utterance):


He pronounces it with:

(as the ancient Toulosites defined it.)



*The readers will lose their wealth of
quieting notions
beautiful representations.

*I write without the ability to write in the "bon ton literary language".
I am ignorant of literary language.

*You may lose:
Your appetite for your favorite dish.
Your appetite for your psychic specificness.

I wish to tell your


that in the following chapters I will expound my thoughts
in such sequence
with such "logical confrontation"
that some notions
will go from your
"waking consciousness".

(which is NOT
the real consciousness.
I will prove it is the ficticious one.)

The real consciousness is/ought to be the subconscious.



Mullah Nassr Edin:
"Every stick always has two ends."

Gurdjieff decides to leave the first chapter free for everyone to read (uncut pages so they can return the book and get their money back.)


If someone pays for something, they will "eat" it even if it hurts them.

Story of the Kurd

He buys a "fruit" which actually "red pepper pods" but he doesn't know it.
When the villager, walking by, tells him to stop eating them, he refuses.
"No, for nothing on Earth! Didn't I pay my last 2 cents for them? Even if my soul departs from my body I shall go on eating!"

If anybody pays money for something, he is bound to use it to the end.

Mullah Nassr Edin:

"Without greasing the palm
not only is it impossible to live anywhere tolerably
but even to breathe."

"If you don't grease the wheels,
the cart won't go."

The Story of Karapet of Tiflis

Karapet had the job of releasing the steam into the whistle.

The whistle woke up every inhabitant of the town of Tiflis.

Karapet would issue a string of insults every morning before pulling on the rope.

Gurdjieff goes to visit him. He drinks wine honorably with him. He asks him why he goes through this ritual every morning.

"When I first started, I noticed that after performing my duty, I felt ill at ease. I looked for the cause."
One morning, after reading a book called 'Dreams and Witchcraft' that night, he runs into the dog catcher. The dog catcher is about to catch a dog when a bell rings and he curses the bell.

Then Karapet realized:
Everyone who would be awakened every morning by the whistle would curse at him.
So, from all directions vibrations of malice would flow towards him.

"If I curse beforehand, all the curses of the town would have no effect on me at all.
And since I began to do it, I haven't felt the uneasiness anymore."



Law of Association:

During "preparatory age" it is formed in every creature.

Man has two kinds of mentation:

in which words are employed.


around one idea or thing there are formed:

independent forms
which EVOKE in the Being of Man
a definite picturing.

A word will evoke
in different people




Every man has 2 consciousnesses:

* One consciousness is formed
from the perception of
accidental mechanical impressions
including the consonances
of various words.

* The second consciousness is formed from

"aready previously formed material results"

transmitted by

1- heredity
blended with corresponding parts of the entirety of man.


2- data arising from
intentional evoking
of associative confrontations
of "materialized data".

in the false consciousness
can become
the impulse of the desire of knowledge.




The 3 Data Formed in Preparatory Age:

"Either do nothing or do something nobody else does."

2- The "wisdom tooth" comes out.
The cavity left behind oozes a substance that produces the property of:
always seeking out the causes of suspicious actual fact.

3- "If you go on a spree, then go the whole hog, including the postage."

The first is the directing lever of my entire wholeness.
The other 2 are the "vivifying sources" for the first.

When all 3 came together, Gurdjieff began to fulfill his duty to Great Nature.

Gurdjieff's grandmother gives him the first of the 3 data, before she gives her soul to the Archangel Gabriel.



Boys catching pigeons

1- The first boy:
The toe of the pigeon is strongest.
That is where the strength reserve is concentrated.
So the trapping noose shouldn't catch the big toe.
Otherwise the pigeon will break the noose.

2- Second boy:
If it is true that the strength is in that tow, then we should make sure that JUST THAT TOE gets caught in the noose.
Because where there is a
then this "law conformable confusion"
the center of gravity of the whole functioning to pass from its usual place to another place.
This produces unexpected and ridiculous results.

If you attack the branches and not the source of the strength, then the strength may flow into other places of the whole organism.

Source -
-Symptom A
-Symptom B

If A and B are controlled, but not the souce, then a 3rd unexpected symptom may arise.

Sexual Obsession

If you don't control the source ("sexual obsession") then new addictions will arise.




After Gurdjieff hits the boy, another boy hits him in the face and a tooth comes out:

A strange tooth
that has seven shoots
each shining with a
drop of blood.

Through each drop,
there shone clearly
one of the:

The barber says it's a
that all those of the male sex have them.

"Something" started to ooze from the cavity:

A "something" which
had the effect
of arousing an interest in
and a tendency
to seek out the causes
of the arising
of every suspicious

This property became
a real inextinguishable hearth of consciousness.

This is the



"If you go on a spree,
then go the whole hog,
including the postage."

After cognizing this saying, Gurdjieff experiences

*an unbearable itch in the whole region of the spine

*a colic in the very center of the Solar Plexus.

After some time, this was replaced by a peaceful inner condition.

Always, before any new task of big change, I will say:

"If you go on a spree,
then go the whole hog
including the postage."

If I write a book,
I will write of the whole Universe.

I will make the hero

If I show him this attention, he infallibly has to show himself grateful and help me by all means in his command in my intended writings. (see payment)



Gurdjieff experienced the peaceful inner condition one more time only:

during the ceremony of
Initiation into
The Brotherhood
of the

Mullah Nassr Eddin:
"Never poke your stick
into a hornet's nest."

"A Nail is like a Requiem."

(comparing contemporary Greek to Ancient Greek.)

Russian proverb:
"There is no offence
which with time
will not blow over."


All-Common Master
The Merciless Heropass


"The Flow of Time"


Gurdjieff pondered much during the days called "Shrovetide"


Gurdjieff's unique personality
has been "smelled out"
by certain individuals

Objective Justice
proceeds from the
Judgement Seat Above.



"Whenever I do anything, I do a great deal of it."

Otherwise expressed in the saying,


"If you go on a spree, then go the whole hog, including the postage."


In my lifetime this same idea was handed to me by an acting teacher, who urged me to give every performance 110%, meaning that I should not only make an effort, but I should make an effort that might exceed my best. In this model nothing is held in reserve, rather we go balls out, jump into the fire and expect to get burned. Another awakener of wisdom, aka a fool, many years later explained to me that juggling is not about catching balls, but rather about being unafraid of dropping them. If we are afraid of dropping the balls our efforts will be conservative, creative impulse, artistry and the spirit of playfulness will all be denied. That is no way to go. If we seek only to do what we can do, our abilities will not expand. It is only by seeking to do far more than we have previously been able to do that anything extraordinary may occur. If we shoot for the stars we may at least reach the moon. There is is no room for judgment or fear of judgement in a quest for the miraculous. There is a certain need for extravagance. Anything which may be called an art springs from a mysterious well which demands sincere devotion, sacrifice and embellishment beyond what is normally called for. We must become performers and doers. If we wish to visit uncharted territories we must be willing to submerge ourselves entirely in the experience and activity of the moment. If you wish to keep balls suspended in the air then you must abandon any reserves you may have about being perceived as, or about actually being a fool. The first thing that must be done is to adopt the right posture, one which is devoted to purpose without harboring concerns. It is a posture of wakefulness, as flowing as water, both smooth and malleable, calm and still when necessary, swift and lively as called for. Then having assumed the appropriate inner pose we must do. And then do and do and do, ceaselessly. We must always be pressing to do more than we have ever done before. If one juggles, one must juggle more than has ever been juggled, and for longer periods of time. This must be done gently by introducing only one additional ball at a time, by adding only one extra minute per session. This is a principle that can be applied to any doing. It might be painting or carpentry or baking. It might be singing or dancing or cobblery. Whatever you do may unlock the mysteries so long as it is done with the correct inner attitude, or posture, and so long as you do a great deal of it. It is not only that you do a thing a lot, but that you make a superhuman effort to do so. That is the important element. You must go on the spree. If you were to do only what is ordinarily done, nothing at all unusual should ever happen. That is what we call ordinary life, just doing what we and others like us have done before, just doing what is necessary and sensible. The essence of artistry lies in this- nothing about it is necessary. It is something more than what is necessary. Being creative ultimately makes no sense. It is a chaotic and disastrous occupation reserved for those with a certain strength of spirit and the skill to apply an unusual quality of attention to detail.



Give yourself over to this experiment for the duration of two weeks, for a total of 14 days. Each day you will go for a walk. It needn’t be a long walk. You could take 15 minutes of your lunch break to stroll near your place of employment, or you could walk around your neighborhood in the evening. If you like you can take a little longer and go a little further or seek out spots that appeal to you. During the walk select a spot and take a mental picture of the scene around you. Stop in that place and soak up the ambience, listen to the noises, smell the scents, take in the sights, the shapes and colors and relationships of things visible there. Pay careful attention to all the details of your surroundings. After you have returned from the walk sit down and write a description of the scene. On the first day you should write no less than 100 words. It may be as straightforward or as poetic as you choose. Set a timer and take no more than 45 minutes to get it out. Ideally spend only thirty minutes. While you write, do not edit yourself. Let the words flow out without pondering spelling or punctuation or sentence structure. When you have finished writing 100 words then you may go back and make corrections.

The following day repeat the process, but this time write no less than 150 words. Each day repeat the process increasing the word count by 50 words so that by the fourteenth day you will write 650 words. Remember that as you write you should not censor yourself or nit pick over mechanical errors. Let the ideas and imagery flow out of you unencumbered. Go into great detail in your description and allow your subconscious to have a hand in the work by not silencing its bizarre suggestions. For example if you think of describing the bushes outside of your apartment as "A pair of big green testicles severed from a leafy giant" don’t stop yourself and try to think of something better to say. Absolutely say the first things which come to mind. Then after it’s all out you may go back to edit and embellish. Keep in mind that the final product doesn’t have to meet the word count requirement. You need only meet the word count in the unrefined first draft.


Shrovetide ]

[ The Arousing of Thought ] Introduction: Why Beelzebub Was In Our Solar System ] The Cause of the Delay in the Falling of the Ship Karnak ] The Law of Falling ]

Tales of Beelzebub ]